Sunday 6 May 2007

I love Cereal Shoe

I have no idea where I managed to get these images
but I love these shoes and their design and want a pair!

Sunday 29 April 2007

Space Invaders

The Space Invaders project is about
The idea to "invade" cities all over the world
with characters inspired by first-generation arcade games, and especially the now classic Space Invaders. They are all out of tiles, meaning they can be cemented to walls to help keep the ultra-pixelated appearance.
The reason that space invaders where chosen is because they are a symbol of our era and the birth of modern technology, with video games, computers, the Internet, mobile phones, hackers and viruses. And "space invader" is a pretty good definition of what there doing... invading spaces!

Van Liveries

I have always found vehicle liveries a very good and interesting way of advertising. I also feel that they are sometimes overlooked when people think of ways of advertising products. These images are a series of designs that I feel shows that liveries can be very effective ways of displaying a product.

Hello Rockview (Steve Vance)

This is some pages taken from a cd insert booklet. The booklet is done in a graphic noir style and contains all the albums lyrics in a story. The love the artist's (Steve Vance) style and I have been lucky enough to have asked him some questions about his work and he has also sent me some of his work. The rough sketch is one such example.

Made You Look (Stefan Sagmeister)

Stefan Sagmeister.
I have been amazed by this book ever since I came across it a few years ago, not just by the content but also by the amount of clever and innovative ideas that has gone into its design, a few of which are pictured here.

Star Wars Posters

STAR WARS, George Lucas's stunning sci-fi masterpiece, is arguably one of the most inventive and entertaining film series ever made, garnering generations of loyal fans who are forever imprinted with the memory of its characters and dialogue. However I have always been attracted to the posters that accompany each film. I love their mix of old painted style mixed with fantasy/futuristic content and I always take a look at them when I am stuck for an idea on a project.